The Secret To

Getting users To stick To Your Websites...
And Make Tons More Money!

You've seen 'em --the websites, like YouTube -- that attract visitors like flies to honey. 

The traffic explodes -- and YouTube gets purchased by behemoth Search Engine Google for 1.65 Billion in cool stock.

What has made such sites traffic magnets?

One Word: Interactivity

It's the heart of what's called "Web 2.0."

Gone are the dull drab websites that look the same no matter when you visit them.

Yet when you visit a website a second time, does it remember you, and greet you by name when you come back?

Not very often!

But to grab onto the dynamic, personalized world of Web2.0, you'd like to!

So how do you make your website sing and dance and play with visitors?

Uh oh.  It's that scary word -- software.

And you'd be right to be a bit intimidated by that word.

A Lot Of Software Is Scary ... Until Now

Software is created with programming languages.  And, until fairly recently, the ones available have been enough to make a newbie take a huge, wide, pass...
  • There's been "perl" -- freely available, but looks more like heiroglyphics.  Anyone have a rosetta stone?
  • Then Sun Microsystems came out with Java (not to be confused with javascript) -- again, not for the faint of heart!
  • Microsoft weighed in with -- which is okay if you want your website to live on a Windows Server. (Hint: Most people prefer the other choice, Linux servers. There's lots of reasons for that, such as security, cost, etc. )
  • Then some wit came up with Javascript -- with some vague relationship to Java -- and, at times, equally obscure.

Does this mean that interactive websites are out of the range of mere mortals, eh?


Luckily for us, out of a handful of perl scripts, a couple guys created a programming language called PHP.  

An easy-to-learn programming language.

Okay -- I know that sounds like an oxymoron.

But wait, before we get ahead of ourselves, you know Jason Fladlien?  He's been a young, dynamic internet marketer who has been on a tear the last few years.  He calls himself the "dumbest technical guy in the world" -- but even he admits

"It's easy actually to learn because even I  can do some PHP"

Seriously.  Because you can take a really simple line of code ... not even a full line, really, and address your visitor by name. Check this out...

Here ... here's what a lne of php to do that looks like...

<?php echo $_GET[name]; ?>

Okay, I know some of that looks like gibberish -- but actually, it's quite simple when you discover just a few things.  And it's hardly even a full line.  Find out how to do this, and It's like getting the keys to a whole new kingdom!

Just a minor tweak, and you can say hello...

<?php echo "Hello $_GET[name]"; ?>

Now, there is little bit more  you need to make this work on your website -- but not too much!  Once you know how, you can put it on your website in less than 5 minutes.

And what personalization does to conversion rates most of the time ?  You'll want to whip this out all the time.  I mean ... 5 minutes, free, increase conversion rates... What's not to like ?  

And that's just a start.

But Here's The Deal...

Maybe you never even want to write a single line of PHP code in your life.

Wake up and smell the coffee, bucky -- because even if you never, ever write a single line of PHP code, you're probably already using it.

Wordpress ring a bell?  

And a little knowledge of PHP, quite frankly, can make you feel powerful.  Here's what Jason Fladlien has to say:

"It Blows My Mind What You Can Do With PHP"

But, even if you never, ever want to write a line of PHP, it's likely you'll  want to hire someone to write it for you.  

How do you make sure you don't get taken to the cleaners?  How do you make sure you don't get charged $75 just to put a half-line of php code on your webpage to "personalize it"?


Marketing Power With PHP

Why this is the PHP product you need ...

"Marketing Power With PHP" is the result of 6 webinars run by programmer and internet marketer Robert Plank -- in two he's joined by marketer Jason Fladlien.

Why Robert is uniquely qualified to 'School you' in PHP, with a very rare combination of marketing and software skills:

  • Nearly half a lifetime of software experience
Now 25, Robert has been picking up programming books at least since he was 13.
  • Academic Credentials -- he has a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science
  • Internet  Marketing background, starting in 2002
  • His first scripts were sold by Brian Gavin and Gary Ambrose (Gary's no software slouch, himself.)
  • Starting in 2004, he started selling tutorials in php for marketers.
  • Has written 2 highly-acclaimed (by other copywriters) ebooks on not php (he's written dozens of those) -- but on copywriting.

Not just some guy who just fell off the turnip truck.

This is a guy who

  • knows his software stuff
  • knows his marketing stuff, and
  • has a proven track record in teaching it to others...

Here's What It's All About

This set of 6 webinars -- over 2 hours' in length in easy-to-digest chunks -- gives you the knowledge you need to cut your teeth in PHP.   After going through these not only will you be able to write some power -- but amazingly simple -- php, you'll be well-grounded in the whys and wherefores.

Whether you have geek blood in your veins (his 80% of PHP in 20 minutes will give any would-be geek a valuable leg up), or just want the to know "what it's good for" with his "7 Way To Enhance A Salesletter" -- this is product that will give the essentials of PHP.  

You'll discover where PHP came from to where it's going, in "Most Burning PHP Questions", to tricks to resuscitating dead scripts in "PHP Troubleshooting" (not at all as dull as it sounds -- it outlines tactics that you can use with nearly any software problem, and, in some cases, any problem.)

Hey -- and if it's any encouragement -- PHP has added functionality (libraries) that can help you manipulate pdf files and flash movies.  How cool is that?  And that's just part of the vast number of freely available extensions.  So...

Here's what you're going to get:

Video 1:
What We Want to Know About PHP (23:00)

In this video, Jason asks Robert -- "What's important about PHP, anyway?", challenging PHP Wizard Robert Plank to come up with goods.

Self-acknowledged "dumbest technical guy" Jason Fladien quizzes Robert

  • Why now is the best time to learn PHP (learning it in the future may not be nearly as easy ... find out why!)
  • Where Robert uses PHP the most
  • And how he does it
  • How the mysterious PHP includes can make it blazingly fast to clone webpages and go from a 1 page website to a 5 page website in a blink of the eye.
  • How Robert made a change to 50-60 sales pages on his server with just a few minutes' worth of work -- while Jason would still be futzing around with Dreamweaver to change just 1 site.
  • Oh, and that change... more than doubled conversions on one of his sales pages!
  • Robert also reveals how he thinks about things, what questions he asks himself, to optimize his tasks.  If you think this is just useful for writing software, think again.  This is a great life skill.  Motivational speaker Tony Robbins talks about how expertise is about learning to ask the right questions.  This is a great insight into how Robert does it.
  • Discover how "Lazy Programmer Mentality" took a 2-3 month task and reduced it to 2 weeks.  (You may be wanting to consult with your local programmer after you hear this story!)
  • How PHP can automate things and you can go on vacation -- but one thing you may need to use javascript for.

Video 2:
Most Burning Questions About PHP (35:09)

You have questions, Robert has answers.  Picked from his personal mailbox, after years of teaching people PHP through his innovative products...
  • What is Web 2.0?
  • Why PHP and not HTML?
  • What Framework should you use? (the answer may surprise you!) The Pros and Cons of frameworks, and the one framework Robert would use. (And what to use instead of a framework and why.)  This is a 10x efficiency question.
  • Where did PHP come from?
  • The Advantages of PHP
  • PHP4, PHP5, PHP6 -- what's the difference?
  • What Does PHP Stand for?
  • The Future of PHP
  • Should You Write PHP on Your Local Machine?
  • Do You Need A Degree To Program PHP? (No, and here's why!)
  • How To Think Like a Programmer (with a cool website where you can try out some cool programmer-type questions.  Robert walks you through a couple. Fascinating stuff!)
  • Is PHP Secure? An absolutely essential question to answer these days.
  • Robert's Favorite PHP Sites -- Where you can go to learn more...
  • Should You Start Your Own YouTube?

Video 3:
7 Ways To enhance A Salesletter With PHP (22:17)

There are a ton of scripts out there you can use to enhance your salesletters.

Some work directly out of the box -- and some you wish, oh man, if I could just make that ONE change.

Dip into this video to get you super-charged on how you can amp up those flailing sales ... here's a peek at what's covered....

  • Tactic #1: Personalization (which you saw earlier on this page, right?)
  • Tactic #2: {Secret} (How to harness a technique popularized by Frank Kern
  • Tactic #3: {Secret} (Customizing your sales letter based upon another piece of information you have about your visitor -- that they don't even know you know!)
  • Tactic #4: Tracking Visitor Habits -- Robert mentions some clever paid well as what you can do easily and quickly for free
  • Tactic #5: {Secret} (Make sure you don't leave money on the table)
  • Tactic #6: "Blog Funnel" how to really use your blog to boost your sales
  • Tactic #7: {Secret} This is how you get that information to personalize your sales page
  • Tactic #8  (Did he say 7 Tactics? There goes Robert, overdelivering again ...)  Another technique to make your sales letter seem immediate and relevant
  • Tactic #9: {Secret} An amazing technique that simply will put more money into your pocket.  You absolutely must be using this!
  • Tactic #10: {Secret} You can do this easily from most cPanel installations or buy whole products to do it ... but if you're not doing this, you are really missing out!
  • All these tactics reviewed -- you can find free php scripts, built-in scripts and paid solutions for most of them -- Robert tells you how to choose which one to use when.  A free solution could cost you more than a paid solution -- let Robert take you by the hand and show you which to use.

Video 4:
How To Use PHP to Increase 
Your Email Membership  


Now that you have your sales letter humming along, here's how to get that email list of yours fully of happy members...

  • Strategy 1: follow up with blog commenters -- Robert shows you how to do it...a great understanding of using marketing principles with blog comments! Whodda thunk?
  • Strategy 2: How to get closer to your buyers ...
  • Strategy 3: From rabid customers to buyers who seem to be dropping off ... here's the secret to fire your list members up with enthusiasm...
  • Strategy 5: Making money while on's how...
  • Strategy 6: Is it the season to be merry? Keeping your list interested throughout the year
  • Strategy 7: If you say "sorry to see you leave", you'll see how you can say "love means never having to say you're sorry..."
  • Strategy 8: Maybe it goes without being said, to always have a popup -- but Robert's strategies will have you popping up with even more ideas on how to use them... 
  • Strategy 9: Similar to one of the sales letter tactics, you seriously want to do this -- and today's autoresponder companies make it easy...
  • Strategy 10: A lesson from one of Robert's mentors (or, at least, a guy he's followed.)
There you have it -- ten different strategies to not only fill your list with members, but make them raving fans as well!

Not to be missed!

Video 5:
Learn 80% Of PHP in 20 Minutes (23:55)

In video #2, Robert answers the question "Do you need a degree to program PHP?"

Here's why you don't.

Take this and you have a cheat sheet to understanding and using php in record time.  I wish my college classes would have been as succinct!

It's not a full-blown class on PHP, but you will be able to do lots of things, and what Robert doesn't show you, you can discover using the information in the "Burning Questions" video.

  • "Hello, world!": Robert shows you how dead-simple it is to create a webpage that says "Hello, world!" -- and shows you 3 ways to do it, to boot!
  • Variables: the power behind software
  • Functions: write code once, use it many, many times
  • Comments: so you understand why you wrote your code that way
  • Query strings: The part that shows you where you get the name when you personalize a page, as you saw earlier on this page...
  • If/then:  Not only how to do one thing or another depending upon a variable -- also how to create a php re-direct
  • Comparisons: How you make the if/then decisions, from above
  • Arithmetic: And how you can do it on text (it's called concatenation ... but it's easier to call it arithmetic)
  • Strings, Numbers and Arrays: Robert introduces arrays here, which will immediately take your programmng to the next level
  • Manipulating Arrays: 3 important functions to use with arrays...too cool!
  • Looping:  3 different kinds of looping in php -- how you can do something to a bunch of stuff? Got a list of something, you can do everything to each member of the list
  • Forms: There are entire books written on how to create forms -- but here's how you create them in php.  Need a contact form on your webpage?
  • Cookies: Another technique you can use to remember your visitors and call them by name when they return (if you get it in the first place -- but Robert takes care of how to do that in other videos...)
  • Files: One thing PHP can do that javascript can't -- handle files.  Robert shows you 3 techniques to use with files
  • Includes: what kinds there are, when to use them  (Robert describes how to use them powerfully to quickly make large websites in another video.)
  • Not covered: A list of topics Robert doesn't cover, but would be some of the next things you might want to learn about php (like databases. But I'll give you a hint on that one right now - use phpMyAdmin -- it will turn your MySQL queries into php code for you!)
  • The 5 most important php functions: Finally, Robert finishes it off with the 5 top php functions (for instance, one of them is Mail() -- so you can send form data to your email account.  And have a "contact me" form.)

For far less time than it would take to sit thru the first meeting of a college php class, Robert gives you 80% of what you need.  What could be better than that? (and what would be faster.  It probably would take you the same amount of time to just drive to school and walk to class!)

Video 6:
PHP Troubleshooting 
What To do If A Script Doesn't Work 

(19:01 Minutes)

I call these Robert's "Dirty Dozen" -- because, at the end, he summarizes it into twelve different things you can do if your php script doesn't work.

If you think writing code has a steep learning curve and takes a lot of time, try tracking down software errors!  As any programmer whether they've spent ("wasted", they'll groan) dozens of hours of time tracking down a lost semi-colon. If you aren't known as a programmer, they'll think you remarkably aware of the plight of programmers.  

Be quick to track down software errors and you will slash hours of wasted time.  Robert shows the way.

When you've been programming for nearly half your lifetime, you've had to become a master at being a software detective.  Not only does Robert show how it's done, he'll show you how to make it relatively easy.

For instance...

Here's the quick answer to solving script problems as fast as possible:  you have to

Ask the right questions

This video will show you exactly what those questions are...
  • The technique he uses 70% of the time to find errors (and, later on, he gives you an example of how he used exactly this technique -- and what he did next when that didn't work!)
  • The big caveat (what you need to say) that can save you tons of time AND money, if you need to ask for outside help
  • The reason that even the best written, most professionally written script will have bugs
  • And much, much, more...

So, How Much?

You're probably wondering just how much all this valuable information will set you back.

But first, let me ask you ... how much will it cost you to not get it today?

First, you will be throwing away the opportunity to quickly and easily discover the essentials of PHP.  By signing up today, you will be able to harness PHP immediately. And you will know what kinds of cool tricks it can do!  And you won't have to bear the time, expense and hassle of taking a class (and avoid the stress of homeworks, tests and grades).

Second, any other PHP training will not show you how to use it specifically to marketing.  Instead, you will have to trudge through tons of less-than-helpful information to get to the meat.

Third, even if you know the cool things PHP can do, you could be taken to the cleaners by some freelance PHP coder who charges you outrageous prices for a simple task.

Any one of these could save you far more (or earn you far more) than the piddling $37 price I'm asking for today.

<<"Click here if you'd decided to buy" purchase link -- that is to say, a link to the order button on your page>>

You Can See, Hear, and Read It All ...
With Absolutely No Risk!

Let me take all the risk out of your investment today.

Here's how: I'm going to offer you a 60 day no-questions asked money back guarantee. Immediately download these six sets of seminar-quality videos, audios, and reports right now, and give yourself a whole 60 days to put them to use.

If within those 60 days you're unsatisfied in any way, just let me know and I'll refund every penny of your purchase - and you can even keep the videos if you wish.

Added Bonus! Beyond the Videos!

Look, listening to Robert -- he can talk kinda fast.  While that can be energizing, it can be easy to miss stuff.  And, I don't know about you, but sometimes it can be a pain to back up a video to figure out what was said.

So -- I've provided EVERYTHING you could want to make this information easy to consume for you.

You can
  • Watch the videos, and 
  • You can also see the PDF of the PowerPoint or Mindmap used.  And, even more, 
  • You have the transcripts -- so you can follow along with what is said.  Or, if you just want to print them off and mark them up with your thoughts and ideas.
  • And, if you want to review while taking a walk or working out at the gym or just getting away from the computer --  you've got the mp3s to listen to.

So, unlike most other information products, we've got you covered, whichever way you like your information. Videos, audios, PDF's, I'm even including the source documents that Jason and Robert produced when first shooting the videos (the PowerPoint presentations or mind maps). All this for one low price!

And what the heck, I'll even let you have the videos in multiple formats, one of which you can even load onto your iPod so that you can watch while you're waiting for an airplane or standing in line at the supermarket.

Look, I'm Not Kidding When I Say...

If you're marketing on the web -- you're going to run into PHP -- many times over (I'd be very surprised if you haven't already!)  Understanding PHP should be considered an essential "life skill" for an Internet Marketer.

Understanding what it is, how to use it, where to go for more information is simply something you should have in your arsenal.

And I can think of no better resource than this set of videos to teach you essential marketing php -- perfect for all Internet Marketers, no matter what your skill level is.  Whether you're a PHP guru who wants to know more about how to leverage PHP for marketing, or a marketing guru who wants to know how to use PHP to amplify your marketing...this is a "core" resource. 

What would it be worth to you to know how to use PHP to increase your conversion rates with 3 different kinds of "customization" -- something that responds to the visitor with information unique to them and their visit?  Because it's been shown time and time again that this kind of personalization puts money in the bank..

Yes, experience is a great teacher, but it exacts a heavy toll in time and money. Wouldn't you prefer to learn from someone else's experience? 

Bottom line is you risk absolutely nothing when you say yes to this fantastic offer today.

I will only ask for one-tiny investment from you of $17.00. In reality, I should be asking you to pony up a lot more because of what these videos do for you.

But I'm keeping it low for one reason - I want to suck you into my funnel (when was the last time someone admitted that?). I have many more products and I'd love for you to happily involve yourself with them, and the best way I know for that to happen is to get you in at a bargain price, and help you succeed before asking for anything else. Once you see the type of quality I give you and the ridiculously low prices I ask, I'm sure you'll want to buy more of my stuff, pure and simple.

With that out of the way...

(You'll get your videos -- and the rest of your product, the audios, the transcripts and the source documents just moments from now...)

Reminder -- You Have Absolutely No Risk!
I proudly back this product up with my no-hassle guarantee.

You are completely covered by my "no risk, no hassle" guarantee.  If these videos do not substantially enhance your ability to use PHP to market your products, please ask for a refund.  I'll be disappointed (for you), and surprised -- but you'll receive your refund promptly and politely.

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